The data type Feature stands for 2D features, i.e. objects that have 2D geometry (points, line, polygon, multi-point, ...) and attributes. Feature does not specify that the geometry type must be the same within a data set. Attributes are stored in Feature in an unstructured way, so they do not have to conform to any particular schema (schemaless).
PlexMap supports the following feature formats:
- ESRI Shapefile (SHP) (import and export)
- GML (import and export)
- GeoJSON (import and export)
- OpenStreetMap (extension "osm")
- CSV (import and export)
- QML (import)
- NAS (import and export)
- GeoPackage (import and export)
- MapInfo TAB (import and export)
- MapInfo Workspace (WOR) (Import)
- WFS (Import and Export)
- ArcGIS Feature Service (Import)